West Highland way run 153 km / 4.500 HM

West Highland way run 153 km / 4.500 HM

Sonntag, 10. Mai 2009

1000 km !

Today i finished my first 1000 km this year. (22.000 Meter ascending !)
Had a wonderful 30 km run in the hills arround Linz. (Kürnberg is the name of the hill im running almost every day)

Thats much too less as planned.
I should be at about 1400 km.
But because of my illness in January and February and very bad weather in March i am far behind my plan.

So i have three options :

1.) Dario : Would you be so kind and move the WHW 2009 from June to July !
Hm - Dont think he will do so.

2.) Run 800 km in May
This will be too hard.

3.) Accept this and give the best June.
This seems to be the best (and only) option.

I have one question to you :
How many KM (Miles are OK also - there is a very complex formula to translate them to KM but i think i can manage that) you have run this year.
Much more - or less then my 1000 ?
Would be great to know.
